No one can predict if a wisdom tooth poses a risk to your overall dental health. It may or may not need to be removed, and the professionals at Getaway Dental in Costa Rica can help you determine the right answer and save money on wisdom tooth extraction if needed.
Should a wisdom tooth always be removed? In more cases than not, removal is the right option. Your Getaway Dental professionals will take x-rays and examine your teeth carefully to determine the right decision in your case. Studies show that the earlier you are evaluated and treated, the better your outcomes will be. In fact, Wisdom teeth may need to be removed as early as 12 or 13 years of age.
Impacted wisdom teeth are best removed before their roots develop. This is one reason so many dentists recommend that wisdom teeth be extracted by young patients. The principle risk associated with impacted wisdom teeth left in place is that the insufficient space along the jaw will cause pain and damage. As the wisdom teeth try to push up or down, they put pressure on other teeth and can damage gums and the jawbone. Other problems associated with leaving wisdom teeth in place include gum infection as the tooth tries, but is unable, to emerge properly like other teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can also lead to cysts, trapping fluid in a pocket on the jaw bone.
Waiting until age 30 or above to remove impacted wisdom teeth makes the process of extraction more difficult. Healing from the surgery is less rapid and the chance of complications for the extraction is much higher.
Wisdom tooth removal requires the expertise of a qualified oral surgeon. Some form of sedation may be required and your dentist will likely prescribe medication to reduce pain during your recuperation. You can expect the extraction to take between 30 minutes to an hour, and it can be done without hospitalization so you can return home the same day to begin the healing process.
The professionals at Getaway Dental are highly experienced at wisdom tooth removal and have the latest technology to make the extraction surgery safe and as minimally invasive as possible. Contact Getaway Dental today to schedule your appointment for a full, professional consultation and examination.